Radio Attic
Table of Contents
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very,
very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is
meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio
operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they
receive them there. The only difference is that there is no
cat." -- Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
QRP Contests (and other operating events) (return
to top)
- QRP ARCI 50th Anniversary,
Special Events stations in every state, DC, and Puerto Rico:
schedule to find when to work AK, KS, ME, MS, NE, ND, &
April 2-3, 2011: QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party
August 27, 2011: QRP ARCI Welcome to QRP
October 15-16, 2011: QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party
November 5-7, 2011: ARRL Sweepstakes, CW (rules)
December 1, 2011: QRP ARCI Top Band Sprint
December 3-5, 2011: ARRL 160 Meter Contest (rules)
Original QRP
Contest Calendar at the E-PA QRP Club
(Logs and Dupe Sheets for QRP ARCI events are
available here.)
QRP Field Events
to top)
April 23, 2011: QRP to the Field (traditionally
the 4th Saturday in April; rules); theme: WPA/CCC/State
June 25-26, 2011: ARRL Field Day (always the 4th full
weekend in June; rules)
July 31, 2011: ARS Flight of the Bumblebees (always the last
Sunday in July; rules)
September 18, 2011: QRP Afield (always the third Saturday in
September; rules)
February 4, 2012: Arizona scQRPions "Freeze
Your B___ Off" (generally the first Saturday in February;
(Logs and Dupe Sheets for QRP ARCI events are
available here.)
Hamfests & Symposia (return
to top)
- February 13, 2011: Mansfield (Ohio)
May 19, 2011: QRP ARCI Four Days in May QRP
May 20-22, 2011: Dayton
August 6, 2011: Voice of Aladdin ARC
Columbus Hamfest
Search for hamfests at
QRP Discussion Groups &
Blogs (return
to top)
- QRP-Tech and
sign in
at QTH.Net, and the official archives
K5TR's archive of QRP-L at, with good search engine
QRP-L at
Yahoo! Groups
W8KC's with
QRP-L number look-up.
HF Pack and Yahoo! Club (and
sign in), a blog by Tom
Witherspoon, KF4TZK
The QRPer &
Radio Extra, blogs by Richard Fisher, KI6SN
W2LJ's Blog -- QRP, Morse
Code & Amateur Radio
KC8QVO, a blog by Steve
The Adventures of Rooster and
Peanut with Steve, N0TU
Elecraft (return
to top)
Reviews in QST at ARRL (Members Only)
K3 (April, 2008)
K3/100 (January, 2009)
K2 &
Expanded Report (March, 2000);
K2DSP (January, 2005),
KPA100 (January, 2005)
K1 (March, 2001)
KX1 (April, 2004)
Elecraft Owner Online Database
N0SS's Amateur Radio
Page, K2 Section
K2 Mods by W3FPR
(new URL)
Unofficial Guide to Elecraft K2 Modifications
the K2's CW Filter Ultimate Rejection by
Elecraft K2
& K1 Links by K8ZT
PSK31 and an
Elecraft K2 Mod (PDF) by WB4QXE
by G4ILO
- Build a Headset for the
Elecraft K2
- Getting on Data Modes with
the Elecraft K2
VA3UXB's K1 & K2, with
K2 Quick Reference Cards:
- by W3DX (HTML) at
- by NS6N (PDF)
at Elecraft
by WF4I (PDF) at W3FPR
Rework Eliminator for K2, including
Internal Mic Adapter
Heathkit (return
to top)
On Heathkit Manuals: In October,
2008, the intellectual property rights to Heathkit legacy
products were purchased by Don Peterson of Data Professionals of Pleasanton and
it appears Mr. Peterson has been very aggressive in stopping
on-line manual downloads and sales. Downloadable Heathkit manuals
are no longer available at BAMA (or at the mirror) or from other
sources on the web. Data
Professionals offers printed copies of some manuals but at
this time none are available for any of the Amateur Radio
products ever offered by Heathkit.
HW-16 Yahoo!
Group (&
sign in)
The Heathkit Shop by Mike
Bryce, WB8VGE
RTO Electronics,
specializing in the repair of Heathkit Amateur Radio
Electronics--Heathkit, Drake, Collins, and Dentraon parts and
upgrade kits
N0JMY's Hayseed
Hamfest--Re-Cap kits
Technology Systems with
photos of unbuilt kits and downloadable catalogs and
The Heathkit Virtual
Message Board
Information at Nostalgic Kits
Schematics for Heathkit
equipment can be downloaded at Vintage Radio
The Benton Harbor Lunch-boxes:
the Tener, Sixer, and
Thousands of these transceivers now in use across
the nation, in homes, offices, cars, trucks, boats, etc., attest
to their popularity and proven performance. Their neat, compact
design, low cost and high versatility make them ideal for use in
either mobile or fixed station installations. All feature
crystal-controlled transmitters and tunable superregenerative
receivers with RF preamplifiers designed for operation on the 2,
6 or 10 meter amateur bands. The highly sensitive receivers pull
in signals as low as 1 microvolt and produce complete quieting on
reasonable signal levels.
The transmitters with up to 5-watt input are more than adequate
for "local" net operations and the communication range
of all models is unlimited under "skip" conditions.
Other features include: a built-in RF trap on the 10 meter
version to minimize TVI; frequency multipliers on the 6 & 2
meter versions to provide straight-through finals from an
oscillator using a fundamental crystal in the 8 mc range;
built-in final amplifier metering jack, and
"press-to-talk" transmit/receive switch on the front
panel with "transmit-hold" position.
Kit includes a ceramic element microphone and two power cords,
one for use with the built-in AC power supply and one for use
with a vibrator power supply such as the Heathkit GP-11 for 6 or
12 volt mobile operation. Transfer from fixed station to mobile
operation in a matter of minutes. Handsomely styled in two-tone
mocha and beige. Less crystal.
Hotwater QRP: the HW-7, HW-8, and
Whether you use it for standby, camping, emergency
operation, or your primary rig, the Transceiver will prove its
worth. Band changing and tune-up are easily accomplished with
pushbutton band selection and single-control Tuning. The
light-weight and compact Transceiver has pushbutton crystal
transmit provisions for the novice or QRP roundtables. Main
tuning is accomplished through a 6-to-1 vernier that is virtually
backlash free. A Relative Powermeter, built-in sidetone, and
carry-along size make the Transceiver a pleasure to operate.
ARRL Product Reviews on ARRL's Members Only
- HW-7
(January, 1973)
- HW-8
(April, 1976)
- HW-9
(July, 1985)
- HFT-9
Antenna Tuner (July, 1984)
KK4KF's HW-7/8/9 Information
Michael Bryce's Repairing the HW-8
at The Heathkit
WB6FZH's HW-8 Page &
Modifications, Repairs, & Recollections
K8YTOs Index of
HW-7, 8, and 9 Modifications in Excel 97 spreadsheet
The Freq-Mite from Small Wonder Labs is ideal for
incorporation within an HW-7 or HW-8. (See notes here
about installing a Freq-Mite in the HW-8.)
In HW-8 Handbook, First
Edition (1994), Michael Bryce recommends replacing the MPF-105
front-end in the HW-8 with a 2N4416 for a significant increase in
sensitivity. He notes, "The extra pin of the 2N4416 grounds
the case, and it may be done with a small hole drilled into the
PC board nearby the new unit, or the ground simple (sic) may be
left 'floating' with no noticeable loss in
performance." (This suggestion was not included in the
Second Edition of the book.) The 2N4416 is available for $2.50
each at RF Parts.
The 2N4416A is available at
Mouser for $2.00 each. (Note: RF Parts has a $25 minimum
order; Mouser has no minimum order.)
Classic Heathkit Stations:
DX-60: The DX-60 Amateur Transmitter with
its many design features offers more in quality, performance, and
dependability than any other unit in its price and power class!
Superbly designed throughout, the DX-60 with its high quality
components, clean, rugged construction and thoughtful circuit
layout makes it an ideal "first" transmitter for the novice. Construction
proceeds smoothly from start to finish with the complete,
informative instructions furnished. All parts are easily
identified and a precut, cabled wiring harness eliminates much of
the tedious wiring. The completed unit with its neat, functional
panel layout provides for maximum ease of operation.
Circuit-wise, the DX-60 features a built-in low
pass filter for harmonic suppression, neutralized final for high
stability, grid block keying for excellent keying characteristics
and easy access to crystal sockets on the rear chassis apron. A
front panel switch selects any of four crystal positions or an
external VFO. Controlled-carrier modulator and silicon diode
power supply are built in. Single knob bandswitching for 80
through 10 meters and pi network output coupling provide complete
operating convenience. A high-quality panel meter shows final
grid or plate current to aid in tuning. In every way, the DX-60
represents an outstanding amateur "buy." May be run at
reduced power for novice operation. Less crystals.
- Recent
Equipment: DX-60 Transmitter Kit (July, 1961 QST) by George Grammer, W1DF, in QST Archives at
- DX-60 at
- DX-60 at
Rich Post's Boat Anchor
- DX-60 catalog page can be viewed
on page 33 of the Christmas 1961 Catalog available at Technology
- DX-60 catalog page can be viewed
on page 22 of the 1963 Catalog available at Technology
- Re-Cap Kits for the DX-60,
DX-60A, & DX-60B are available at Hayseed Hamfest
HR-10: This handsomely-styled amateur
receiver is a perfect match for the DX-60 Transmitter, providing
complete high-performance station receiver facilities at low
The HR-10 is designed for amateur band coverage
only on 80 through 10 meters, for maximum accuracy and stability.
Each band is separately calibrated on a large, easy-to-read slide-rule dial. The
tuning dial is illuminated and provides over 6" of
bandspread for precise frequency settings. A carefully-designed
diode detector, plus BFO, tunes AM or CW and SSB signals. The
7-tube superheterodyne circuit features an RF stage for added
sensitivity and employs a half-lattice crystal filter for
excellent selectivity characteristics...a necessity with
today's crowded band conditions. Two IF amplifiers operating
at 1680 kc provide good image rejection. Other features include:
"S" meter to aid in tuning and determining relative
strength of received signals; a 3-gang tuning capacitor to assure
proper tracking of all circuits rather than "Broad
Banding"; a front panel dial calibration control and
provision for a plug-in 100 kc crystal calibrator to provide
accurate dial calibration at any 100 kc point across the band.
Other panel controls consist of: antenna trimmer, bandswitch,
tuning, BFO tuning, RF gain, AF gain w/AC on-off switch, xtal.
calibration on/off, STBY/RCV, BFO on/off, AVC on/off, and
automatic noise limiter on/off. An accessory socket is provided
on the rear chassis apron for receiver muting, etc., and a
speaker jack is provided for use with any 8 ohm PM speaker. 21
- Recent
Equipment: HR-10 Receiver (July, 1963 QST) by George Grammer, W1DF, in QST Archives at
- HR-10
Receiver at Heathkit Museum
- HR-10B
Receiver at Rich Post's Boat Anchor
- HR-10 catalog page can be viewed
on page 33 of the Christmas 1961 Catalog available at Technology
- HR-10 catalog page can be viewed
on page 24 of the 1963 Catalog available at Technology
- Re-Cap Kits for the HR-10 &
HR-10B are available at Hayseed Hamfest
- Reviews at Eham
indicate the HR-10/HR-10B is an extremely poor performer;
a Drake 2-B with 2-BQ would be a much better choice
- Recent
Equipment: Heathkit Model HG-10 VFO (October, 1963
QST) by Edward Tilton, W1HDQ, in QST
Archives at ARRL
- HG-10 VFO
at Heathkit
- HG-10 VFO
at Rich Post's Boat Anchor
- Recent
Equipment: Heathkit HW-16 C.W. Transceiver (January, 1968
QST) by George Grammer, W1DF, in QST
Archives at ARRL
- HW-16 Novice
Transceiver at
- Re-Cap Kits for the HW-16 are
available at Hayseed
- HP-23 AC Power
Supply at Heathkit
- Rebuild an HP-23 with the HP23R
(~$65) or HP23RL (~$56) by Michael Bryce or the
(~$63) by Old Heathkit Parts
- Note: The HR-10 and DX-60 each
feature a built-in power supply and don't need an
- FT-243 crystals are available
from AF4K--$12 plus
- search eBay for
FT-241 & FT-243 crystals
Heathkit Citizen-Band
The GW-31/31A "Hand-Held Transceiver" is
a single-channel rig with superregenerative receiver and
crystal-controlled 100mW (input) transmitter.
The GW-21/21A "Deluxe Hand-Held Transceiver" is a
single-channel rig with superheterodyne receiver and
crystal-controlled 100mW (input) transmitter. It features a
squelch circuit and external antenna and earphone jacks. The
GW-21/21A is significantly larger than the GW-31/31A. Click
for schematic of the GW-21A.
The GW-52A appears to be a GW-21A with internal rechargeable
WD8RIF has a pair of GW-21 transceivers and a GW-31
which he may move to ten meters.
GW-21/21A: The receive crystal is 455kc higher in
frequency than the transmit crystal.
The GW-21 & GW-31 were designed for the NEDA
#1602 carbon-zinc battery which is 9 volts and 850mAh; see
Energizer No.
246. Modern, smaller, 9v alkaline batteries have approx.
625mAh capacity; see Energizer 522; a
pair in parallel would have 1250mAh capacity.
Ten-Tec (return
to top)
ARRL Product Reviews:
- Argonaut
505 (November, 1972)
- (Apparently, the ARRL never reviewed the Argonaut
509 or 515...)
- Agonaut
II (January, 1992)
- Argonaut
V Model 516 &
Expanded Report (April, 2003)
- Omni
D (January, 1980)
- Omni
V (November, 1990)
- Omni
VI (January, 1993)
- Omni VI
Plus & Expanded
Report (November, 1997)
- Omni
VII (July, 2007)
The W8KC Virtual
Ten-Tec Museum
Mite by VE3JC
Power Mite
manual in .PDF format
The Odyssey of
the Argonauts by Anthony Luscre
WB6FZH's Argonaut 505 portable
station in a tube caddy
Argonaut 509 Schematics courtesy of Rob Frohne
According to Paul Clinton, WD4EBR, Ten-Tec
Service Manager (email),
the dial string for the Argonaut 509 is $1.50 and the PTO kit is
$25.00. Shipping is $6.00.
The NorCal
Marker Generator would work well as a crystal calibrator for
the Argonaut 509.
The NorCal FCC-1
Frequency Counter looks ideal for an external digital display
for an Argonaut 509.
From The Second Coming of the
Argonaut, November, 1971, CQ:
Long-time readers of CQ will recall the original
"SSB Argonaut" built by W6AVA for W6UOU in 1957 and
sent around the world in an effort to give many DX stations an
opportunity to put their country on the air with the then-new
mode of s.s.b. It is fitting, therefore, that a new low-power
portable s.s.b. rig under development at Ten-Tec, Inc. should
also be dubbed the Argonaut...
In today's highly mobile society, the need for a small,
light, portable rig is rapidly increasing. Reciprocal licensing,
low-cost travel trailers, popularity of camping, proliferation of
summer (and winter) homes all call for personal ham gear that is
easily set up and takes little space.
For emergency service, stand-by equipment that can operate
independently of commercial power is often a lifesaver.
Low power operation (QRP) is a growing facet of Amateur radio.
Thousands of hams are finding an exciting challenge in conquering
distance with a few potent watts.
With these applications in mind, work started several years ago
to create an entirely new miniaturized transceiver that would be
(1) ultra compact, (2) easy to service, (3) operable on s.s.b.
and c.w., (4) usable at maximum power that can be reasonably
supplied with a 12 volt lantern battery, (5) to operate on the
ham bands, 80 through 10 meters and (6) to include features that
make operating easy and convenient. The Argonaut fulfills these
On powering older Ten-Tec 100-watt transceivers with non-OEM
power supplies:
Michael Bryce's Remote Power Controller
(approx. $20) allows older Ten-Tec 100-watt transceivers to be
powered by non-OEM power supplies or batteries while retaining
functionality of the transceivers' front-panel power switch.
This device was described in the September, 2007 issue of
QST and is available from Michael at his Heathkit Shop. (Currently,
Michael's website doesn't have a page for this device;
email him for cost and availability.)
Early Ten-Tec 100-watt transceivers lack
SWR-foldback circuitry and rely on a fast circuit breaker in the
power supply to protect the transmitter from high SWR. For use of
these rigs with non-OEM power supplies or batteries, Ten-Tec
recommends the use of an Airpax T11-1-20.0A-01-11C-V fast trip
magnetic breaker. This device is available at Poco Sales. Price is one at $25
each, two at $12.50 each, and three at $9.25 each. Minimum order
is $25. Paul Clinton, Ten-Tec Service Manager, says these are
also available at marine shops--they're used in charging
circuits for trolling motor batteries.
R.L. Drake
return to top)
- R.L. Drake
Virtual Museum
- 2-B Receiver
& 2-BQ "Q
Manuals at
Drake Novice Station, with 2NT transmitter and 2B + 2BQ
WWII Command Sets
to top)
- The Command Set
Story by Gordon Elliot White, from November, 1964
CQ (.pdf)
The Entire
ARC-5 & B29 Radios at
U.S. Military Aircraft Avionics
from 1939 to 1945
ARC-5 Pages at Glowbugs
AN/ARC-5 at
SCR-274-N by WA6IKJ
AN/ARC-5 Airborne
Communications Systems
Sets at Ray Robinson's Communications Museum
Command Set
Transmitter SCR-274-N at Kurrajon Radio Museum
Modification Notes by Phil Salas, AD5X (.pdf)
N3FRQ's B-17
Aircraft ARC-5 Communication System
Photos of radios in B-17: here,
& here
B-17 Radio
B-17 Crew
Requirements and Standard Operating Procedures, including
Radio Operator
B-26 Radio Operator Compartment
Rich Post's ARC-5 Navy
Military T-21/ARC-5 Transmitter
KF6NUR's BC-224 and BC-348
Aircraft Radio Receivers
BC-348 at
Irrepressible BC-348 Receiver by WA2CBZ
Rich Post's Signal
Corps BC-348Q Receiver
AC7ZL's Restoring the
by James Moorer
BC-348 at
Kurrajon Radio Museum
Manuals are available in the "military"
section of Boat Anchor Manual
Archive (BAMA) ( and mirror)
- BC-696 (Navy T-19): 3 - 4
- BC-457 (Navy T-20): 4 - 5.3
- BC-458 (Navy T-21): 5.3 - 7
- BC-459 (Navy T-22): 7 - 9.1
- ARC-5/BC-453: 190 - 550
- ARC-5/BC-454: 3 - 6
- ARC-5/BC-455: 6 - 9.1
"Resurrecting a Command Set
Transmitter" by W8KGI appears in January, 2009
"Bring That WWII Command Set Receiver Back to Life" by
AD5X appears in January, 2009 QST.
Getting Your ARC-5 Transmitter Running Without Hacking it Up
(PDF) at Glowbugs
Command Set Receivers for All Frequencies (PDF) at Glowbugs
(CQ, January, 1967)
Receiver Mixer-Mod (PDF) at Glowbugs
The Command Set Roundup (PDF) at Glowbugs
AN/ARC-5 Military manual (PDF) at Glowbugs
Command Sets (PDF) at Glowbugs (CQ, 1957)
Guide to ARC Sets (PDF) at Glowbugs
Complete 80-Meter CW
Station Using Surplus Units (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1960)
Special (PDF) at ARRL (May, 1967)
Transmitter-Receiver (PDF) at ARRL (May,
Converting Surplus Transmitters for Novice Use (PDF) at
Keying the
BC-696 (PDF) at ARRL (July, 1951)
Operating the
BC-696 in TV Fringe Areas (PDF) at ARRL (December,
Crystal Control
for the BC-457 and HC-459 (PDF) at ARRL (November,
Better Keying
for the Converted BC-457 (PDF) at ARRL (March, 1953)
100 Watts on 160
Meters, Using a BC-458 (PDF) at ARRL (October, 1972)
BC-458--A Heterodyne V.F.O. for S.S.B. (PDF) at ARRL
(February, 1953)
Improved Keying
for the BC-459 (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1963)
Using the BC-459
With the V.H.F. Overtone Oscillator (PDF) at ARRL (December,
Heterodyne Exciter for 10 Meters (PDF) at ARRL (November,
Transmitter Modifications: 14-Mc Output from the BC-459-A
(PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
Transmitter Modifications: 14-Mc Output from the BC-459-A
(PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
Transmitter Modifications: Eliminating Ripple in the BC-459-A
(PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
Transmitter Modifications: NFM Added to the BC-459-A (PDF) at
ARRL (June, 1948)
Transmitter Modifications: Improved Keying (PDF) at ARRL
(June, 1948)
Transmitter Modifications: Making Use of the Tuning Eye (PDF)
at ARRL (June, 1948)
Crystal Adapter
for ARC-5 Transmitters (PDF) at ARRL (December, 1952)
TVI-Proofing the
ARC-5 VHF Transmitter (PDF) at ARRL (November 1950)
Deluxing the
ARC-5 Transmitter (PDF) at ARRL (September, 1960)
Putting the
ARC-5/T18 on 160 and 80 Meters (PDF) at ARRL (February,
Two-Band Coverage with
the BC-454 (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1960)
Getting Started
with the BC-454 (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1959)
80 Through 6
with the BC-454 (PDF) at ARRL (May, 1959)
Command Set
Receiver for 6 and 10 (PDF) at ARRL (September, 1953)
ARC-5 and
274N (PDF) at ARRL (April, 1959)
ARC-5 Triple
Superhet (PDF) at ARRL (August, 1959)
80-20 Receiver (PDF) at ARRL (April, 1972)
New Life for the
Q5-er (PDF) at ARRL (February, 1951)
"Q5-er" reception (PDF) at ARRL (August,
the BC-455 (PDF) at ARRL (April, 1959)
BC-348 Alignment
(PDF) at ARRL (July, 1959)
Note on Surplus
Type BC-348 Receivers (PDF) at ARRL (September, 1957)
Conversion Using the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1954)
Modifying Tuning
Range of the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1952)
Curing Backlash
in BC-348 Receivers (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1951)
Back-Lash in BC-348 Receivers (PDF) at ARRL (February,
Coverage with the BC-348-Q (PDF) at ARRL (September,
"Q5-er" for
BC-348 Owners, by Adding Series Padders (PDF) at ARRL (June,
"Q5-er" for
BC-348 Owners, Building a Simple Converter (PDF) at ARRL
(June, 1948)
"Q5-er" for
BC-348 Owners, Modifying the Calls (PDF) at ARRL (June,
"Q5-er" for
BC-348 Owners, Converting with an External Oscillator (PDF)
at ARRL (June, 1948)
Converting the
BC-348-Q (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1947)
Servicing Xtal
Filters in the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL (August, 1947)
More on the
BC-348-Series Receivers: Modifying the BC-348-O (PDF) at ARRL
(November, 1947)
More on the
BC-348-Series Receivers: Calibrating the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL
(November, 1947)
More on the
BC-348-Series Receivers: Curing Noise-Limiter Troubles (PDF)
at ARRL (November, 1947)
More on the
BC-348-Series Receivers: A Further Note on the BC-348-Q (PDF)
at ARRL (November, 1947)
CW and
Keys (return
to top)
Radio Amateur Education
Society with The Art & Skill of Radio-Telegraphy
K7QO Code
LB3KB's Just
Learn Morse Code
W1AW Morse Code
Practice Files & archive, sorted by
code speed
to use an "English Key" by WB8DQT
The Vibroplex
Collector's Page
Parts List,
Machine Drawing, & Adjustments of Vibroplex Champion, at
Slow a speeding bug with a
The BugNapper by WB9LPU
The Sparks Telegraph
Key Review
Johnson, Les
Logan, EF
Johnson, & Wm. M. Nye keys by
Telegraphy -- Straight Keys to Bugs at Western Historic
The KK4DW Telegraph
Key Collection
History of keys called "Speed-X":
- 1927 - Electro Manufacturing began making a key
that would later be known as the Speed-X
- 1934 - Stuart (Stewart?) Johnson purchased Electro
Manufacturing and named the key "Speed-X"
- 1937 - Les Logan bought Speed-X
- 1947 - E.F. Johnson bought Speed-X
- 1972 - William Nye bought E.F. Johnson
- Both E.F. Johnson and Nye-Viking appear to have
made Speed-X oval-base straight keys with sprung anvil.
- (Information gleaned from N0UF and The Sparks Telegraph
Key Timeline.)
When did the model 310 straight
key appear?
According to Western Historic
Radio Museum both the models 322 (rectangular base) and 310
were available from Les Logan from 1937 to 1947.
Morse Express
says the model 322 has been available since 1937 and was
manufactured by Les Logan, E.F. Johnson, and Wm. M. Nye.
Tom French (Artifax Books)
thinks my older Speed-X is an early Wm. M. Nye piece; Logan and
Johnson number-schemes were different.
N0UF identifies
Speed-X HS15.682 keys as being products of the William M. Nye
Military CW Keys:
- J-37 & J-38 Keys by K6IX
Artifax Books sells old keys and
replacement knobs for old keys
The book "Keys IV... and
More--the Finale" by K4TWJ (SK) is available in PDF format
as a free download here: K4TWJ
Satellite (return
to top)
Work an FM VHF/UHF Satellite with
an HT:
- 12 Suggestions
for Success Working AMSAT-OSCAR 51 (Echo) on a Handheld
AO-27 & SO-50 FAQ
- Working
Your First Amateur Satellite (SUNSAT SO-35)
- Working
the Easy Sats (PDF)
- How
to Work AO-51 with Your HT (PDF) by K6LCS
- Arrow II Satellite
Antenna at
- "Down-to-Earth"
Satellite Communications (PDF), by N1ASA
- mp3 audio file by N1ASA of
nine QSOs made through AO-51 at 76º elevation, Arrow
antenna w/preamp, and 20-watts
Amateur Satellite Articles at EB4DKA
The "IOio" Antenna (pdf)
The "CJU" ANtenna / The Magic Antenna
The Arrow Antenna and the Satellites (pdf)
K6LCS's How to Work
Satellites with Your HT
Orbitron satellite tracking
Visible Satellite Flybys at
Winlink (return
to top)
- Winlink
- Get Started
- Winlink for Dummies online
(Automatic Packet Reporting System)
and GPS (Global Positioning System)
to top)
- Southeast
Ohio APRS Development by W8KVK
- mobile: WD8RIF
& with
- home QTH: WD8RIF-1
& with
- check APRS messages on-line:;
change callsign and SSID as needed
- internet-to-APRS text messaging:
station must be on the air and in range of I-Gate; full callsign
and SSID required)
APRS Maps with zoom and scroll
- mobile:
- home qth:
APRS World APRS database and
TinyTrak forum at
Yahoo!Groups (and
sign in)
Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning, with launch
A Guide to the Global Positioning System (GPS) at Radio
About GPS &
for Beginners at Garmin by
Joe Yeazel N4TEB, Jo Mehaffey W2JO, & Dale
DePriest & direct URL by
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR (& symbols
GPS at
Automatic Packet
Reporting System (APRS) at ARRL
Packet Reporting System (APRS) at ARRL (sidebar to QEX
Reporting with APRS at ARRL
an APRS Encoder Tracker at ARRL, in PDF
UI-View32 APRS client for Windows
(and registration)
Lat/Long between various formats
grab topo maps at
instructions on importing to GPS (and APRS software?) here:
GPS and Adventure Radio by VE3JC
Review of Delorme EarthMate GPS Receiver by
Joe Mehaffey (W2JO) & Jack Yeazel (N4TEB):
This $150 receiver (can come bundled with Street
Atlas 8) is a 12 channel receiver/antenna combination, but has no
display. It is "rain resistant" and so may be itself
mounted on your car's roof. The EarthMate GPS receiver is
designed specifically to work with Delorme's Street Atlas
4/5/6/7 software and unless connected to a laptop with SA
running, the EarthMate shuts down and provides no data. This unit
acquires reasonably quickly and maintains lock not quite as well
as most other 12 channel parallel receivers. Overall, it is among
the lowest cost GPS receiver/software packages, but its lack of a
stand alone display, and the fact that it only works with Delorme
Mapping software products makes it less desirable than others.
Speed capability is reported as 900 kph. The Earthmate and
Tripmate have been reported to be among the least accurate of the
low cost GPS receivers. (found in Low Cost GPS
DeLorme Earthmate Serial:
- at
- USB-to-Serial
Adapter Driver for Windows
- Using
HyperTerminal to Test Earthmate
Use the serial
Earthmate for APRS by N9UUR using the GST-1 GPS Sentence
- serial Earthmate initialization
- TinyTrak3 configuration software
and documentation:
Use a DeLorme Tripmate with a
TinyTrak3 by KD5OM
limited serial Earthmate support can be found at Delorme
Bicycle-Mobile APRS
Bicycle Combined With Amateur Radio within this document for
more on use of radio on bicycles.)
WD8RIF and the ACARA provide APRS
support to the Athens
(Ohio) Marathon
ACARA Marathon
Communications Planning Page
a thread
at BMHA about bicycle-mobile APRS
The Athens Marathon will be using
chip-timing in 2009.
- They will be using Runners'
High system.
- They will have systems at finish
and both turn-arounds.
- Both Full- and Half-Marathon
runners will be tagged.
- Runners will wear visible numbers
in addition to tags.
- Tags will not be used for
"real time on course" tracking so ACARA lead/last
runner reports will remain valuable.
- Learn more about RFID tracking:
IPICO Sports.
WD8RIF bicycle-mobile APRS
- DeLorme Serial Earthmate =>
Byonics GST-1 => Byonics TinyTrak3 => Icom
TinyTrak3 GPS Encoder for
APRS by Byonics
- rig-specific
cables from Byonics
- TinyTrak3-to-radio
wiring diagrams
- TinyTrak3
in QST in PDF format
- KD5OM's Building and
Configuring the TinyTrak3 in PDF format
- KD5OM's Configuration
Connector for the TinyTrak3
- external
power for the serial Earthmate (5-6vdc to pin 9; ground is
pin 5)
- external power for
Earthmate and GST-1 at Byonics
- TinyTrak at
Yahoo!Groups (and
sign in)
- Shorting J7 in TinyTrak3 will
provide power to GST-1 through pin 4 of the serial
- TinyTrak3 draws approximately
6.6mA plus 3mA for each lit LED at 12v; GST-1 draws approximately
Second APRS stations under
- Byonics GPS2 => TinyTrak3+
=> Icom IC-2AT: $111
- Byonics HT2P interface cable
w/PowerPoles: $ 19
- Byonics Null Modem Gender
Changer: $8
- Byonics Micro-Trak AIO (FA 10w 2m
TX w/TinyTrak3 chip w/GPS & antenna) + programming cable :
- Byonics GPS2 => Micro-Trak
8000 (FA 10w 2m TX w/TinyTrak3 chip) : $259+
forum at
HP iPAQ HX2415 Pocket
- Intel PXA270 Processor
- Integrated 802.11b &
- Integrated Compact Flash type II
(CF) and Secure Digital slots (SDIO)
- 3.5" transflective TFT QVGA
with 64k color LED backlight display
- Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003
Second Edition
Support at HP
HP and Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC -- Using ActiveSync at
- ActiveSync
at Microsoft
- description at
- description at
T1 Rex
free mapping software for PocketPC and external
Using a Handheld Computer as a Navigation Tool (Palm
DeLorme Earthmate (serial) to PocketPC
Serial Adapter for HP iPAQ
with power
($29.95) & without power
($19.95) at Gomadic
Solutions--serial cables for Palm OS PDAs
Serial (RS232)
Interfaces for PDA at PC-Mobile
In an email dated 2007-07-2 DeLorme confirmed that
Street Atlas USA 2008 DVD works with PDAs with touch
screen and running either Windows Mobile 5.0 or Palm OS.
In an email dated 2007-04-04 DeLorme confirmed
that Street Atlas USA 2007 contains what used to be called
Street Atlas Handheld.
GlobalSat BC-337 Compact Flash
- review at
- at
Bicycles Combined with Amateur Radio
to top)
- (See Bicycling
& Canoe Links for more links about bicycling.)
Bicycle Mobile Hams of America
site & Yahoo! Club (and alternate
How to Wire a
Bike for Ham Radio (PDF), by Bill Sharp, W8HI
Bicycles and
Radios at ARRL, by Dick Arnold, AF8X
Antennas at ARRL
The Jurassic Duck--a 2m
J-Pole antenna inside PVC, by WX2NJ
J-Pole by AA1EP
2m J-Poles
by N6VNG
Bike 'n Hike
Special antenna described by WB8ERJ
Perfect HF Bicycle Mobile Antenna by Bonnie Crystal, KQ6XA on
the HFPack
Yahoo! Group (logon required)
Steven K. Roberts,
- Nomadic Research
- Computerized Recumbent
Bike Adventure
- Winnebiko
- Microship
Wordplay and kayak Bubba
- Shacktopus--BEHEMOTH in a pack,
only more so
G4AKC HF Bicycle and Pedestrian
K2 Bicycle Mobile
by N8MX
QRP Plus & K2
CW Bicycle Mobile by VE3JC
CW Bicycle
Mobile by KB8U
HF Bicycle
Mobile by N0LX, with FT-817
CW Bicycle
Mobile - Field Day 2004 by KC4AUF, with Yaesu FT-900
Recumbant HF
& VHF Bicycle Mobile by N1RWY
Bicycle Mobile by NW7DX
Bicycle Mobile by GØSBW
Mobile by AF8X (2m FM and HF)
Bicycle Mobile, from a Beginner's Point of View by KD7S
(20m CW)
Bicycle Camping Adventure and
pictorial by AC6XK (HF CW)
Bicycle Mobile by N0MLZ
W9XS Bicycle Mobile by Ron
Baran--100-watt HF CW & SSB (and alternate URL)
Bicycle Mobile by
K4MBE (2m FM)
Bicycle Mobile by N8AVR
2m & CB
Bicycle Mobile by VO1MDS
An article on 2m FM bicycle mobile by AA6WK
Portable by K6WEB (2m FM)
the Airwaves, bicycle mobile by KE4WMF (2m FM)
Mobile by N7QJP (2m/70cm FM)
Articles at BHMA (in JPG
- "The Perfect HF Bicycle
Mobile Antenna", by Bonnie Crystal, KQ6XA: pages
1 | 2
- Mounting
the Antenna on the Front of the Bike by Skip La Fetra,
- Dressing
for Cold Weather Riding by Scott Farrell, KE4WMF
- "Q-R-Pedaling - K2/Gary
Fisher Style", by John Cumming, VE3JC: pages 1
| 2
- "Double the Fun While
QRP" by Scott Farrell, KE4WMF: pages 1
| 2
- Ham
Bike has HT, GPS, APRS, & Packet! by Dave Reed,
- Varner's
"Coaxial Antenna" Easy to Build by Jim Varner,
- Headset
vs. SpeakerMike by Bob Murdock, WX2NJ
- Indexes:
Bits and Pieces
According to W8HI (link), a
half-wave antenna wants to see feedline that's an odd
multiple of 1/4-λ long. Three 1/4-λ is about 57"
at 2m. Larson sells GBR-1 in this length with NMO on one end and
BNC on the other. |
Build a Bluetooth
- Build a Bluetooth
Headset by K7SFN & K7AGE video on
Jabra A210 Bluetooth interface
- BlueParrott
B150 Headset
- Jawbone noise-canceling Bluetooth
headset (might not handle wind-noise well: link)
Canoes / Kayaks Combined with Amateur
Radio (return
to top)
- (See Bicycling
& Canoe Links for more links about canoeing and
Kayaking the Grand Canyon with a K-1 by WB6ZFG
QRP + Kayak = Outdoor Adventure by W8BHK
QRP with a Sea Kayak by AA4XX
QRP with a "Catacanoe" in the Adirondacks by
QRP, German-style
Guide to
Canoe/Kayak-mobile QRP by AE3C
Kayak-Portable by
Rowboat HF
Mobile by N0LX
(See also the sites by Steven
Roberts, N4RVE, above.)
Two-Way QRP Worked All States (return
to top)
States needed: Alaska, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi,
Nebraska, North Dakota, & Rhode Island.
Miscellaneous (return
to top)
Why Ham Radio Endures in a World of Tweets by David
Sherwood Engineering
- Receiver Test Data in
tabular format
- Roofing
Filter, Transmitted B/W, Receiver Performance
Announced DX
Operations by NG3K
Active DX, by
Date at
DXScape; spots can be
filtered to just those from US hams and by band
DX Summit; click
"Custon Spots" to find QRP DX
Railroad Depots on the
KØS Strange Antenna
Challenge (new URL)
Moxon Antenna
Make-Your-Own Portable End-Fed
Wire Antenna on a Spool, as discussed on QRP-L:
- (The original QRP-L postings
describing this are gone.)
- a look at a commercial version at
- a dipole version is described
(with photos) here, by
- a variation here on eHams
- KD1JV's matched end-fed
half-wave, with photos (at
Ultra-light Antennas Based on a Panfish Pole by Bruce Grubbs,
WA3WSJ Black Widow Vertical
Antenna 20m, 30m, & 40m without a tuner
MiniBac antenna
(Minimalist Backpacker Antenna System) by KQ6XA
Joe Everhart, N2CX, has had good luck using a
Black-Widow supported 40m end-fed half-wave wire with
counterpoise for QRP NVIS work. See January, 2000, QRP
Portable Antennas by N0LX:
- 20' Toroid 20-30-40m
with switchable band taps
- shortened 20' half-wave
vertical with toroidal loading coils
- end-fed inverted-v for
Dollar Store
Special Antenna by WB3GCK
Sooper-Shooter by
Robert Hightower, NK7M
The HyLaunch, Build a Compact, Integrated Antenna Launching
System by Bill Jones, KD7S
Antenna Launching for Serious Practitioners by Russ
Carpenter, AA7QU
B&W AP-10A &
Window/Balcony Portable Antenna; instructions: AP-10A | AP-10B
NVIS Ionospheric Map -- US (and tinyURL version)
75/60/40m NVIS
Portable Antenna by W4CNG
Irrigation Pipe Push-Up Mast by Bob Bruninga,
Build a Tiger Tail
Counterpoise by W1CAR
- 2 Meter Half-Wave J-Pole
Antenna from 450 Ohm Ladder Line (pdf)
- The DBJ-2: A Portable
VHF-UHF Roll-Up J-Pole Antenna (& correction)
by Edison Fong, WB6IQN (pdf; ARRL QST Archives)
- An Easy Dual-Band
VHF/UHF Antenna by Jim Reyante, KD6GLF (pdf)
- A
Backpacker's Delight--The Folding J-Pole (& correction)
by Michael Heiler, KA0ZLG (pdf; ARRL QST Archives)
- Build
a Weatherproof PVC J-Pole Antenna by Dennis Blanchard, K1YPP
(pdf; ARRL QST Archives)
- Tuning
a Wire J-Pole Antenna (pdf; ARRL QST Archives)
N7VE SWR Indicator
A Bright Idea for Wrestling With SWR in the Field by Richard
Fisher, about the N7VE SWR Indicator
- The N7VE SWR
Indicator/Bridge kit at Hendricks QRP Kits
Novice Historical
The Museum of Radio &
Technology in Huntington, WVa
Old Radio and Radio History Website with QST Column
additional items
The Xtal Set
CAT Repeater
Michael Burkhardt's question pool;
generate practice exams and flash cards
Amateur Radio Today video with
Walter Cronkite (for purchase or 70MB download) at ARRL
Voice of Victory (1944):
Part I |
Part II at Internet
Nightlight (PDF) by AD5X
LED Station
- LEDs for Low Power
Station Lighting Ideas by KB1DIG and KB1GTR
- LED Circuit
LED Current Limiting Resistor Calculator by Jani
'Japala' Pönkkö
- (Look in Fall 2004 "QRP
Quarterly" for more ideas on LEDlights.)
- Correctly
Install PowerPoles at West Mountain Radio
- Anderson Powerpole
Ideas by KB1DIG & KB1GTR
- Powerpole
Instructions by WB3W
- West Mountain
Radio--Powerpoles, crimp tools, and accessories
crimp tools, and accessories
- Powerpole
Polarity Tester by WB3GCK
- More Fun with
Powerpoles (PDF) by VE3FFK
- Surface
Mount Powerpole Connectors (PDF) by AD5X
- Compact
Voltage Conditioner/Fuse Assembly for 100-watt Transceivers
(PDF) by AD5X
- Powerpole Chassis
Mount and Distribution Boards (zip) by W1GHZ
Emergency Power:
- "Practical Battery Back-Up
for Amateur Radio Stations" by George Thurston III,
- Part 1: March, 1990 QST, pp.
34-37 (PDF
ARRL Members Only)
- Part 2: April, 1990 QST, pp.
32-35 (PDF
ARRL Members Only)
- Part 3: May, 1990 QST, pp. 25-27
ARRL Members Only)
- "Emergency Power at
W1ZR" by Joel Hallas, W1ZR: December, 2003 QST pp. 41-44
Members Only)
- "Emergency Power at
W1ZR" by Joel Hallas, W1ZR, Technical Correspondance:
February, 2004 QST p. 82 (PDF
Members Only)
Battery Manual at
University & Batteries
in a Portable World by Cadex Electronics, Inc.
Batteries & QRP
by AE5X
The Care and
Feeding of Gel Cell Batteries by WB3GCK
Battery Care
Battery Case with Powerpoles (PDF) by VE3UNW
LED Voltage
Monitor (zip) by W1GHZ
- kits are available from WA3IAC;
- cost is $15.95 each plus s/h of
$2.00 for the first kit, $0.50 for each additional kit, First
Class mail.
Long Haul H-T Battery System (PDF) by Thurman Smithey, N6QX,
at ARRL Archives
- Note: Figure 2, Voltage Regulator
circuit, has incorrect pin-out shown for LM317T
- correct pin-out for TO-220
package is 1-Adjust, 2-Output, 3-Input
- LM317T datasheets are available
Regulators by N0AX at Hands On
Radio (PDF, Arrl Members Only)
Improved 9.6V
Compact Fast Charger (PDF) by AD5X
In-Line Current/Voltage Monitoring Fixture (PDF) by
AD5X (and
packs for Icom)
NiCD Lady
WD8RIF has battery packs for Icom
IC-2AT & IC-02AT handhelds:
- BP-2 (converted into 9.6v NiCD
R/C battery adapter)
- BP-3 (one converted into DC-1
clone; two condition as-yet unknown)
- BP-4 six-AA holder (qty 3) -- 9v
with alkaline cells; 7.2v with NiCD/NiMH cells
- BP-5 10.8v 450mAh NiCD (qty 2)
- BP-7 13.2v 450mAh NiCD (qty 2)
- BP-8 8.4v ???mAh (Mr. Nicad
clone; condition unknown
- BP-8sh 8.4v 1800mAh (Mr. Nicad
clone; condition unknown
- DC-1 10v DC-converter for IC-2AT
(qty 4)
- IC-8 eight-AA holder -- 12v with
alkaline cells; 9.6v with NiCD/NiMH cells (qty 4)
WD8RIF has a Maha MH-C801D
smart-charger for NiCD/NiMH AA/AAA cells.
Notes on AA cells:
- Zinc-Carbon AA cells are
nominally 1.5v at 400mAh to 900mAh.
- Alkaline AA cells are nominally
1.5v at 1700mAh to 3000mAh; high internal resistance causes
capacity to drop as load current increases.
- Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) are
nominally 1.2v 700mAh to 1100mAh.
- Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) are
nominally 1.2v 1650mAh to 2700mAh.
- NiMH cells self-discharge in
about 15 days; NiCD cells self-discharge in 30 to 60 days.
Panasonic Oxyride AA
- 1.7v initial voltage
- 2x to 3x longer battery life than
with alkalines in high-current use
- cost is comparable to
- Looks very good for HTs and
power-packs for portable HF
- Oxyride at
Can a New Disposable Battery Change Your Life? Parts of It,
Maybe. at NY Times
New Consumer Primary Battery Chemistry Introduced After a 40-Year
Panasonic Oxyride Editorial Review -- The Revolution in Battery
Power at
Quantaray Super Z by PowerGenix
- 1.6v, 2000mAh
- PowerGenix
Nickel-Zinc Rechargeable Batteries Make Their
Quantaray Super Z Rechargeable Battery Features PowerGenix
a Dummy AA Cell forum topic
N1HFX 100kHz (or 50kHz) Crystal
Calibrator: HTML
- design uses 8MHz HC49U
microprocessor crystal: $0.40 each at
Hand Soldering and the Impact of the RoHS Directive
Repair of
RoHS Equipment at Hardware Secrets
- recommends use of "99C
alloy" (99.7% tin, 0.3% copper) solder
Make Mine to
Go by Anthony Luscre -- build a portable
Cabbage Cases
- Foam is available in 0.5",
1", 1.5", 2", 3", and 4"
Prices vary between $0.50/ft2 for 0.5" to
$4.15/ft2 for 4" thicknesses.
Sales: Michael Hannah (email)
Business hours: 8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri
Midwest Case
Company--Columbus, Ohio
Aviation Headsets:
- General Aviation: microphone
~150ohms; headphone 150Ω to 600Ω (source:
1 | 2)
- Military Aviation: microphone and
headphones 8Ω to 20Ω (source)
- Use David Clark military headset
in general aviation:
#40880G-01 Headset Adapter (~ $134), or
M-1/DC Amplified Dynamic Mic (~ $78), or
M-7A Amplified Electret Mic (~ $78)
- Make an adapter for David Clark
sockets for PJ-068, PJ-055, & U-174/U plugs (PJ-068 is
0.206"; PJ-055 is 0.250")
- Part numbers for panel-mount
socket for U-174/U four-conductor jack: M9177/4-1, JB-11F-PM,
TJT-102; $16.95 here
- K5ALQ's circuit to interface
a civil-aviation headset to amateur transceiver can be found in
December, 2003 QST, page 57
- K0IZ's circuit to interface a
civil-aviation headset to amateur transceiver can be found in
April, 2010 QST, page 65
- My headset is a David Clark
H10-76 military headset:
- description
parts list
- M-87 dynamic microphone impedence
5Ω +/- 20%
- M-87 dynamic microphone
sensitivity 0.05-0.11 mV
- M-87 dynamic microphone will not operate when a DC bias voltage is
- headphone impedence 10Ω
(19Ω each, wired in parallel) has parts,
including earcups, for Sony MDR-V4 headphones
The Carl &
Jerry Stories from Popular Electronics
Radio-Adventure Books by Walker A.
Tompkins, K6ATX (SK):
- CQ Ghost Ship
- Death Valley QTH
- DX Brings Danger
- Grand Canyon QSO
- Murder by QRM
- SOS at Midnight
Unless otherwise indicated, all photos
1995-2011 William Eric McFadden
This is a collection of links that
I have found useful or interesting, either professionally or
personally. It is maintained for my own use, and is subject to
change at any time. No claims are made to completeness, accuracy,
or competence. No endorsement of any site, individual, product,
or corporation is intended. With these caveats, anyone is welcome
to browse these links or to use this page.
Heathkit Lunch-Box paragraph found
at the Heathkit Virtual
Inside-view photographs of Heathkit Lunch-Box found at the
Heathkit Virtual
Photo of HW-7 chassis from manual; scan found at Boat Anchor Manual
Paragraph about HW-7 from Heathkit manual.
Paragraphs about and photo of DX-60 found at the Heathkit Virtual
Paragraphs about and photo of HR-10 found at the Heathkit Virtual
Heathkit walkie-talkie catalog page found within Heathkit 1961
catalog scan found at Technology Systems.
Heathkit walkie-talkie catalog page found within Heathkit 1963
catalog scan found at Technology Systems.
1979 Ten-Tec Omni D advertisement found at
Ten-Tec Omni D Series C advertisement found at TenTecWikie.
Radio Collections, Galleries,
& Home Pages
- Air
Chief Radios (All things Firestone!)
- Airwaves
(Wayne Michiel's Vintage Radios -- Canadian
- Aldo Andreani's Home
Page (Aldo has an extensive list of transistor radio
- Allen
Cutts' Radio Collection
- Al's Antique Radio Collection
(Albert Aerts' collection in Belgium)
- Amateur Radio WAØJCV (Gerry
Antique Radio Mailing List (Jim Gathmann's mailing
list and links to his collection & other stuff)
- Antiques Boedo Radios
(Carlos Landi's radio collection in Argentina)
- Art
Hoch's Home Page
- Art's Antique
- Atwater Kent
- Australian Vintage
Radio (Paul Ledger)
- Badkitty's Rusty Radio Rest
Ranch (BRRRR for short)
- Barry's
Radio Page
- Bill's Antique Radio
- Brian
McAllister's Vintage Radio & Audio Pages (A
resource for collectors and restorers of vintage electronic
- Brian's Radio
Universe (Brian Hill's radio shack)
- Cathedral
Radio Page (Dave McLaren in New
- Chris King's Radio
- Chris' Old
Radios (Chris Hollingsworth's collection and radio
repair resources)
- Chuck
Garst's Antique Radio Site
- Classic Radio Gallery
(Merrill Mabbs)
- Classic Radio Round
Up (ComputerPhobia's radio collection)
- Dave's Radio
Page (Dave Hurt's radio collection. Check out
his Classic Car Marketplace, too!)
- Don Adamson's
Antique Radio Page
- E.
H. Armstrong Site
- Early Television
Foundation (Dedicated to the preservation &
restoration of early televisions & cameras)
- Ed
Leathers' Home Page (WD4HMR)
(Jon Stanley's collection of radios & TVs, plus
restoration projects)
- Eric's "the
Fifties" TV Collection
- The Farmer's Old Radio
- Fisher Console Radios
Scheduled Picture]
to the collector of Fisher Entertainment Consoles)
- FM-only Portables and
Table Radios (Andrew Mitz's FM radio graduate
- Fun
with Tubes Max Robinson's site: passing on and
preserving knowledge of vacuum tube circuits and
- Gabriel
Velez' Collection
- Gary's Radios. (Gary
Ball's site with lots of information about early Zenith
transistor radios)
- Gerard's Radio
Corner (Gerard Tel's collection in the
- Gidi Verheijen's Antique
Radio Homepage (Gidi's restoration
- Gil Z's Radio
Web Page (Gil Zalewski)
- (Paul &
Cheryl Drake's shortwave radios from around the
- Iggy's Antique
Radios (Donald Ignatius' home page &
radio collection)
- Jan
Thøgersen's Bang & Olufsen
Jay Daveler's Collection
- Jeff
Goldstein's Collection
- Jeremy's Antique
Radios (Jeremy Schotter's collection of old radios
and amateur radio gear)
- Jewel's Old Time
Radios (Jewel Pim)
- Jim's Antique Radio
Page (Jim McKinnon's web site)
- Jim
Watson's Crosley Radio Page
- Joe's Home
- Johan's old
radios (Johan van der Levin lives in Sweden and
collects tape recorders, wire recorders & radios)
- John Jenkins'
Vintage Radio Collection
- John
Pelham's Antique Radio Collection
- Jon Baldwin's Old Radio
- Jorge Llacer's
Annotated Radio Collection (An eclectic mixture of sets
starting from 1926 and ending in the mid 60's)
- K2TQN's Old Radio and Radio
History Web-Site (John Dilks' informative site and
rolling amateur radio museum!)
- Karels oude radio
page (written in Dutch??)
- Larry Dowell's
Radiodaze (Larry's photoessay of radios from the
"Golden Age of Radios")
- Malin's
Page (Mark Malin's collection and some nice
restoration photos)
- Merkel's Antique
Radios (Harry Merkel's collection in Waterloo,
- Michael's Radio
Page (Michael Hamilton's radios & restoration
(Camil Moujaber hosts Lebanon's first antique radio web
- Nostalgia Air (Vintage
radio references)
- Official Home Page of
Detrola Radios (Dennis Smith's new Detrola
- Old Radio (Karel de
Reus' radio site--home page available in English, the rest in
Dutch, but lots of radios!)
- Old Radio
Days (Charles Days' web site)
- Old
Radio Zone
- Padgett's
Radio Page (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Paul's
Radio Museum (radios in the UK)
- Paul Turney's Land of Vintage
Tube Radios
- Pete's
Pocket Transistor Radio Collection (Pete Roberts'
collection of transistor radios)
- Peter's Radiolette
- (Your
source of information and restoration of vintage Philco
- Philco Repair Bench
(Chuck Schwark's new site)
- Phil's Old
- Phil's Vintage
Radios (Phil in Canada)
- The Portable Radio in
European Life (entirely written in French, but
great photographs!)
- Radio Doc /
KQ6CM (Selections from the antique radio collection of
Bab Mantz)
- Radioland
- Radio
Heaven (Ron Lawrence, KC4YOY)
- RadioMania (Sales of
investment quality 20th century collectibles. Radio price
- Radiomuseum (Nice database
of radios for identification, mostly European)
- RadioPhool
(Some of the radios in Tom Bavis' collection plus some great
schematics links)
- RadiosAntiguos
(Collector site from Mexico. Written in
- Radios
Brasileiros (Meyer Rochwerger's site dedicated to
Brazilian radios -- English version coming soon)
- Radios, Radios, Radios
(The Hoch Radios [and Record Players] Page)
- Radio WILL Vintage
Radio Pages (Will Daniels' collection)
- Red
Star Radiosite (Vitaly Brousnikin's Soviet Radio
- René Rondeau's Home
Page (antique phonographs, watches, jukeboxes, and
- Reverse Time
Page (Mike Schultz' virtual hoard of early radios,
tubes, and unusual technological debris of the past)
- Rick's Tube Radios &
More (Rick Heafner's [1W2H] collection)
- Robert Casey's Old
Radios (WA2ISE's page of AA-5 radios & lots of
other great stuff)
- Rod's Classic
& Antique Radios
- Rod's Vintage Radios
& Phonos (Rod Osborne's collection in New
- Sal's Antique Radios (Sal
Brisindi's collection on his works-in-progress web
- Skywaves (Surfing
the ionosphere with vintage sets)
- Sonny Clutter is
"Radiola Guy" (Sonny's bio page with
entry to his web site)
- Southern Appalachian Radio
Museum (Old radios in the hills of North
- Sparkbench (Radio
"project" descriptions; very interesting)
- Steve
Fullmer's Antique Radio Page
- Syl's Old
Radios (Sylvain Vanier's web site dedicated to the
preservation of his sanity)
- TechnoAntique
(Old radios, tubes, and cameras from Russia)
- Terry's
Antique Radio Page (Terry Schwartz's
- This Old
Radio (Eddie Brimer's
- Tom's Transistor
Page (Tom Polk's collection)
- TransOceanic Resource
Library (All things TransOceanic!)
- Truetone
Radioland (Larry Hillis collects 30's-era
wooden Deco radios)
- The TubeBug
(collecting and restoring older professional receivers and
- "Tubes
201" (How vacuum tubes really work, by John
- Vintage Television and Radio
- Virginia City Radio Museum
- The
Virtual Radio and Phono Museum (in English & French
from Jean-Luc Fradet [F5SPP])
- Werner Gertsch's
Switzerland Radio Web Site
- W3KY's Old Radio
Museum ("Ham Radio Before WWII" thanks to
John Dilks)
- Zenith Trans-Oceanic
Page (Padgett Peterson's page has lots of
information on this classic radio)
Clubs &
Publications &
Commercial Pages
- A.G.
Tannenbaum's Home Page (service manuals, radios,
- Alaska Antique
Radios (a wide variety of antique radios for
- All
Things Radio (A comprehensive resource for the antique
radio enthusiast)
- All Unique
(Replica radios, record players, pedal cars, jukebox and
telephones at great prices)
- Al's Antique
Radios (Buy, sell & service all kinds of tube
type radios; specializing in pre-WWII Zenith and E.H.
- (Charles
Dittebrand has AM radios for sale and a schematic
- Antique
Edison (vintage records, radios, phonographs, TVs, and
sheet music for sale)
- Antique Electronic Supply
(if you don't know these folks, click here & make your
- Antique Radio Grille Cloth
Headquarters (grille cloths for your
- Antique Radio Restoration and
Repair (Robert Eslinger's [KR1U] restoration
facility serving the antique radio collector and the general
- Antique
Radio Schematics - JustRadios (specializes in schematic
diagrams for vintage tube radios)
- the
Antique Radio Store (Jack Hofeld's store in La
Mesa, California)
- Antique Radio Tubes
Scheduled Picture]
(Alton Smith sells tubes for your old radios)
- Antique Radios,
Inc. (Home of the ARBE-III Universal Battery
- Antique Radios
(That Work!) (Radios restored by Bob
- ARC Vintage Radio
Your Resource for Vintage Radio Tubes, parts, manuals and
- Audio Antiques
(Lyndell Scott in north Texas restores cabinets, electrical &
mechanical components of pre-1950 radios)
- Australian Vintage Wireless
Parts (Steve Savell has old radios, parts, you name
- BensRadios
(Ben Martin has some very nice replicas as well as vintage radios
for sale)
- Bill Turner's Dial
Covers & Lenses (Bill makes custom dial
- Bob's Antique Radios &
Electronics (high quality restoration supplies &
- Brent Jessee's Recording
Homepage (digital audio, video, hi-fi, vacuum tubes
& other geek stuff)
- Buffalo
Woodworks (Laser engraved wooden products for the radio
enthusiast and collector)
- Bullseye
Guyz (Paul Kablitz has many radios for sale & shows
off his collection, too)
- Camden Antique Radio
Service. (Georgia antique radio repair and restoration
by Scott Rhode)
- Carolina Tubeworks
(Brand new site -- NOS and guaranteed tested used
- (Lots of
Catalin radios for sale!)
- Certainly Wood, Inc.
(Full Service Veneer Merchants since 1983. Located near
Buffalo, NY)
- Classic-radionics
(Antique radio repair service in Illinois)
- Collection
Explorer (Software to organize your
- Creative Audio
Works (Audio restoration and
archival services for professional as well as consumer
the Crystal Radio Page (PV Scientific Instruments,
Ithaca NY)
- Crystal Radio
Supply (Crystal Radio Supply offering Crystal Radios,
Kits, Parts, and Supplies for the Radio enthusiast)
- DBtubes (Radio,
audio, TV, Ham and industrial tubes. Boxed NOS, new
manufacturer's bulk and used/tested)
- Dr
Woodwell. Manufacturer of one-step antique &
furniture finish restoration products.
- Don
& Crazy's Radio Sales Page (Tube and transistor
radios & other stuff for sale by Don Maurer)
- Ed's
Antique Radio Restorations (Ed Morris has
reproduction boxes, labels, and connectors for building working
batteries for Zenith Trans-Oceanics and vintage portable
- EuropRadio (Hans van den
Boogaart in the Netherlands has European vintage radios for
- Fabius Antique
Radio (Jerry Devine's radio shop)
- (E-mail link) (Repair of anything radio or phono
in the Nashville area)
- George H. Fathauer &
Assoc., LLC (Early radio & collector
- For Your Listening
Pleasure (Antique radio service since 1987 in
Binghamton, NY)
- Gasoline Alley
Antiques (Keith has a page of novelty radios for sale
on this site)
- the Golden
Sound (Rick Foor has radios for sale and offers
restorations services, too!)
- Grand Canyon Tube
Radio (Shop for the best in antique radios and old
musical equipment in Williams, Arizona)
- Great
Northern Antiques (Alan Jesperson has hundreds of
vintage radios, reproduction manuals, brochures and
- Harry
Poster Vintage TVs and Radios (cameras, furniture,
& collectibles, too)
- Hawley Products, Inc.
(The company that patented the first molded paper loudspeaker
- Hi-Fi Exchange (classic
audio in Atlanta)
- House of
Radio (radio repair & restorations,
- Hubbell Collection
Auction (by Cornwell Auctions)
- Jazz Art Deco
(Holden Wood Antique Centre -- nice vintage British
- John
Okolowicz, N3VSR (grille cloths for your
- John's Vintage Radio,
LLC. (servicing tube and transistor home entertainment
electronics since 1974)
- Jupiter Condenser
(Vintage style beeswax-paper capacitors)
- Keepers
Antiques (David & Paula Wood)
- Kennedy
Tube Audio (Kevin Kennedy specializes in custom built
tube hi-fi)
- Low Power Radio
(Pat Ryan markets low-power AM transmitters for your old
- Marty Bunis' Home
Page (renowned author and collector)
- Michelle's Electronics Home
Page (new-old-stock vacuum tubes and some service data
for antique radios)
- Micronetics Inc
Ltd (Vacuum tube suppliers in Switzerland)
- Nostalgic
Collectibles (Jay Daveler's store in Lansdale,
(Gary Arnold's novelty transistor radios)
- Ocean State Electronics
("Your one-stop electronic source")
- Old Authors
Bookshop (used and collectible books on early
- Old
Radio Parts Mark Oppat's reproduction radio dials
& knobs, electronic supplies, 1940-1970s era phono parts, and
- Pete's
Electronics (Radio repair in the UK -- vintage radio
service with the personal touch)
- Play Things of Past
(Gary Schneider's place for vintage radios, tubes, parts,
- (High quality broadcasting
& audio equipment)
- Portland Antique Radio
Supply. (Specializes in original tube radio parts from
the 1930s thru the 1950s: New items added daily.)
- Radio
Age (Terry Williams' new site featuring antique
radios & memorabilia)
- RadioActivity
(radio repair & tubes, too)
- Radio and Amp Recycler
(Dean Jones has over 30 years of radio repair expertise.
Located in southern California)
- Radio
Daze One stop shopping for all your vintage radio
- Radio Era Archives
(CD-ROM publications, radios & manuals for sale)
- (New site from
Gary and Debby Fletcher)
- Radiocraft (Tube radio
repair in Canada)
- The
Radio Guy (Greg Bilodeau lives near Calgary, Alberta,
and repairs old radios!)
- RadiolaGuy (Sonny Clutter
is the Radiola Guy; buy, sell & trade vintage radio, TV,
records & related)
- Radionut (Michael
O'Brien in Port Orchard, WA, buys/sells and restores old
- Radio Repair Guy (John
O'Brien in Bethesda, Maryland, restores old
- Radioscape (Mike Herman has
radios for sale, plus original Bakelite/plaskon/Catalin cabinet
parts and real Catalin repro parts)
- Radios on
the Web (Henry McCorkle's radios for
(Highest quality restored and original antique radios and
phonographs plus a searchable database!)
(Resource and social center for radio clubs, collectors,
restorers, and hobbyists)
- Radiotiques (Jeff
Goldstein's electrical/mechanical and cabinet restoration
services in Wilmington, DE)
- Renovated Radios. (Ed
Schutz has working vintage vacuum tube type radios for sale as
well as discs of radio related information)
- Retro Radio
Repair. (Reproduction antique radio dial covers
from Mark Palmquist in Atlanta)
- Retro Radios
(Seriously manic radio buyer has collected WAY too many
- Rick's Antique
Radios. (Rick Taylor has been restoring and repairing
radios since 1972)
- Rock-Sea
Enterprises (they manufacture dial scales for
- Roger Antique
Radio (Roger Dupouy's radio sales site from
- RPR Products
(home of the world's first truly portable radio program
recorder w/no moving parts)
- (Scott Stambaugh has
radios & parts for sale here; links to auctions
(Television, VCR, Camcorder and Computer Monitor repair
- SND Tube
Sales (tube tester manuals of all sorts for
- The
Speaker Shop (Vintage speaker repair facility with over
30 years experience)
- Stereo Exchange (Radio
repairs in Chicago plus vintage audio equipment for
- Steve's Hi-Fi (Sale
& repair of hi-fi equipment including vintage audio -- in the
- Svetlana MVSZ
(Production and sale High End electron tubes Svetlana 300B and
Svetlana EL509-II)
- Tayman Electrical
(Sound Solutions for Classic Cars)
- Techzotic
(Russian vacuum tubes for sale in Russia)
- Tickling the Crystals
("Domestic British Crystal Sets of the 1920s,"
published by the British Vintage Wireless Society)
- Tom's Antique Radio
Repair (Tom Senne N5KCL has been repairing antique
radios in the Dayton, Ohio, area for 20 years)
- TopNotch
Restorations (Keith Park's web site)
- theoldradiofixerupperguy
(Don Hunka fixes up old radios in Ontario, Canada)
- Tube
Exchange. (Dave Hurtle has a site where you can trade
spare tubes from your inventory for tubes you need)
- The Turntable
Factory (sales and service of vintage and classic
record playing systems)
- TV
History (Tom Genova's web site about television
- Urban Antique Radio
(Mike Urban in Connecticut has some great Antique Radios &
Vintage Hi-Fi for sale)
- Vintage
Electronics (wholesaler of restorable collectible
radio, audio, and other vintage electronic items)
- Vintage Radio Classified
(new classified ads site with radios for sale, collector forum,
blogs, and more)
complete tube manual on your computer)
- Watkins Restorations
(information & restoration tips)
- Wi Wi
Tubes (Wi Wi Trading Co. in Hong Kong sells tubes
and tube audio)
- West-Tech Services.
(Phonograph parts and service; we also service record cutter
units as well as wire recorders)
- Wumpus's Old Radio
World (first German old radio-related web
Ham Radio &
Short Wave Listening
Old Time Radio
Other Antiques Sites
Other Favorite Web
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